We’re Here For You
Whether you’re stressed, depressed or worried about someone else. We’ll listen, give support, and fight your corner.
What we Offer
We campaign to raise awareness of mental health problems & provide a range of services to support people experiencing a mental health problem.

What People are Saying About us
Here are some kind words of support left by a few of the many people who have been able to benefit from Herefordshire Mind!

“You guys, your love and support saved my life. It may only be one little life but it’s the only one I’ve got, so thank you, you precious souls.”Service User

“The idea of moving out is understandably daunting for everyone, it’s such a massive step! Yet when you have mental health problems there’s an added layer of worries... Coming to Ferncroft has helped with this so much! You’re given the space to be as independent as you can be, but you know that there’s practical and emotional support and guidance available when you need it from people who genuinely care and understand.”Service User

“I struggle with anxiety and the community support team help me to go out and get shopping and attend appointments etc and by doing this I have gained some confidence. I very recently started volunteering, which I would never have done without support. They are also there to help me when I get emotional and they know how to calm me down. Without their support I wouldn’t go out and wouldn’t look after myself.”Service User

“I just wanted to say thank you for everything. I have learnt so much working here, and while it has been stressful at times, I know it will serve me so well in the future. The biggest highlight was working for such a forward thinking, creative and kind charity”Staff

“Starting a new job is daunting. 'Will they be nice? Will they like me? Will I like them? Will I remember everything? Will I remember anything? Is this a big mistake?!'
So it was a happy moment when a resident remarked, 'I'm glad that you're here. You fit in very well. You're, sort of... homely!’”Staff

“Its that feeling that you get when something ‘comes together’ – the recent move I helped to orchestrate for a lady who had been at her wits end with noise nuisance from an upstairs neighbour and then meeting her in her new ‘exactly perfect’ bungalow that meets all of her physical health needs whilst protecting her mental health. These are the days that I feel like I have helped to make a difference. I have helped this lady to stay out of hospital, receive the support and understanding that she has needed and get a positive outcome. Of course there are always times when the road feels too long and too big and demanding but days like these more than make up for the challenging, demanding, ‘getting nowhere’ days.”Staff

Donate to Herefordshire Mind
If you’d like to help us help more, please consider making a donation so we can continue supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our community. It is because of your support that we’re able to reach out and make a difference to people living with mental health problems in Herefordshire.